Shai Rosenboim is one of the most versatile Israeli pianists of his generation. His international appearances include concerts in Scotland, England, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Romania, South America and China.

As early as the age of 17, he performed at the Palais de Beaux Arts in Brussels. Since then, Mr. Rosenboim has appeared as a soloist with the orchestras of Haifa, Be’er-Sheva, Rubin Academy, Golden Sail Symphony, Kibbutz Chamber Orchestra and Transylvania State Philharmonic Cluj, amongst others. His musical partners include Maestri En Shao, Gal Alterovich, Itay Talgam, Dariusz Mikulski and Noam Zur.

In addition to his performances of the standard repertoire, Mr. Rosenboim is also highly requested for contemporary music. His recordings in this field include several of his own compositions as well as pieces by leading Israeli Composers such as Ami Ma’ayani and Tzvi Avni.

After having graduated with distinction from the Givataim Conservatory and the Rubin Academy of Music in Tel-Aviv, he received further tutelage from Prof. Li Qifang of the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing. Critics have described him as a “highly sensitive and thoughtful pianist”.

Shai Rosenboim is currently the director of the International Music Institute of China.

以色列钢琴家罗塞·罗森博伊姆(Shai Rosenboim)是音乐造诣和才华颇为全面的钢琴家。他曾在苏格兰、英国、葡萄牙、德国、比利时、瑞士、意大利、波兰、罗马尼亚、南美洲及中国等地的音乐会上进行过演出。

罗森博伊姆早在17岁时,于比利时布鲁塞尔Palais de Beaux艺术中心举办演出,此后多次担任海法交响乐团、Be’er-Sheva乐团,鲁宾学院乐团、金帆交响乐团、基布兹室内乐团和特兰西瓦尼亚克鲁日国家爱乐乐团等乐团的钢琴独奏。他合作过的音乐大师包括Gal Alterovich,Noam Zur,中国指挥家邵恩,以色列指挥家Itay Talgam,德国音乐家Dariusz Mikulski等。


罗森博依姆崇尚精致和卓越的作品演绎。他尤为追求对作品句法的层次感、结构的平衡感。他的演奏具有丰富的音色和响亮有力的和声。罗森博伊姆的演奏曲目广泛,古典时期乃至当代作品,都有涉及。除了标准曲目外,他也常应邀演奏当代音乐。他在该领域的录音包括自己创作的乐曲,以及以色列著名作曲家阿米·马亚尼(Ami Ma’ayani)以及茨维·阿夫尼(Tzvi Avni )的一些作品。 被评论家们誉为“一位本真、深邃、高度敏感的钢琴家”。
